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 [20]. Danville (-97|-178) by laksman

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Posts : 8
Join date : 2010-09-30

[20]. Danville (-97|-178) by laksman Empty
PostSubject: [20]. Danville (-97|-178) by laksman   [20]. Danville (-97|-178) by laksman EmptyThu Oct 07, 2010 8:08 am

i have claimed [20]. Danville (-97|-178) on 9/29 and it was taken from me. i was southlands sitter and could take it until i was allowed to. i have messaged my leaders and they know that i was claiming it, there was a problem before that date with registering on the c forum and they were helping me in thease claims ,i was able to claim it before it was taken from me.i also had gotn it prepared for the taking and , destroyed the residance before the date that it was taken, please help me on this matter....ps i had others that were taken and was resolved and let him have them out of good faith. he was to help me find another vill if i asked for the help in bringing the lyalty down ,but on these i didnt need it as i had to wait and had the residance destroyed......
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[20]. Danville (-97|-178) by laksman
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