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 Dispute Resolutions

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Posts : 46
Join date : 2010-05-06
Age : 49

Dispute Resolutions Empty
PostSubject: Dispute Resolutions   Dispute Resolutions EmptyThu May 06, 2010 11:05 am

Dispute resolution

1. Dispute Resolution: Any and all disputes not addressed or resolved by these rules shall be submitted to the council for final resolution. The player claiming there is a dispute must a) identify the rule that has been violated b) explain how the rule was violated c) explain their position and d) propose a fair resolution for both parties.

2. Rule Violations: Anybody who violates these rules will be subject to punishment which include but are not limited to the following:

a. Forfeit the newly acquired village/cropper/oasis without compensation
b. Repayment of resources lost by the members who rightfully claimed the village/cropper/oasis
c. Any other punishment the council see fit given the circumstances.
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