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 Question on Village claims

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Owain Glyndwr

Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-05-18

Question on Village claims Empty
PostSubject: Question on Village claims   Question on Village claims EmptyThu May 20, 2010 8:07 am

There are times when players claim more than 1 village.

In this instance which claim takes precedence?

If someone else wishes to claim 1 of these villages which could they claim?

Not intending to claim yet as I am more than 3 days from CP's but would like to know as I have seen several instances of players claiming more than 1 village.
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Posts : 46
Join date : 2010-05-06
Age : 49

Question on Village claims Empty
PostSubject: Claiming multiple villas.   Question on Village claims EmptyTue May 25, 2010 9:38 pm

Often times people save up their culture points, so that they are able to chief multiple villas at once,or are able to take one, but know they will have the cp's for another within the 3 day time frame, hence the multiple claimings.

None take priority, the player must however claim each villa within 3 days from the time they made the claim post for that particular villa.

So, if a player claims villas A and B, and claimed A first on the forum, but decided to chief B first, then the 3 days passes before they go for villa A, well then they lose their claim to villa A if someone else should decide that they want to go for it.

However if it is within the 3 days of the person claiming both villas A and B, nobody else may claim either of them until the 3 days has passed, again, from when each particular villa was claimed.

Simply put, each claim is counted separately, based on when it was posted. All are honored (as long as they fall within the chiefing guidelines, ie. not in someone else's cap space..etc) and no one else may take them until the 3 days has passed. Claim as many as you want, as long as you can take them in 3 days. If not, then you do not post for multiples.

I hope that answers the question.

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