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 War Catalog Instructions-MUST READ BEFORE POSTING

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Posts : 46
Join date : 2010-05-06
Age : 49

War Catalog Instructions-MUST READ BEFORE POSTING Empty
PostSubject: War Catalog Instructions-MUST READ BEFORE POSTING   War Catalog Instructions-MUST READ BEFORE POSTING EmptyMon May 17, 2010 11:23 pm

This forum is to keep track of the enemy attack forces. Each alliance of interest will be given a sub forum and in that forum each enemy player gets his/her own thread. When we find out information regarding a player's army, or other relevant information such as which time zone the player plays in, create a thread with that player's name and paste the report in plain text.
Reports from reporting tools alone will not do as they tend to not be saved on their servers long term.

When we find out new information add a reply in the player's thread.

Please do not post information regarding defense troops since they change so fast.

Info to be included:

Date, Attacker Name, Army Size, Village coordinates, Plain text of Battle Report

this will be useful for later when we do offensive actions on them if we ever do.

Broken down, there is a forum for TBD I, under TBD I you make a thread for the player abcd, (click new topic to make a new thread) under that thread include the needed info listed above and then you copy and paste the attack report in plan text and supply the link to the report from the reporting tool. ie, travilog. IF there is already a thread for that player, you just add to that thread.
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